English Corner x English Café

English Corner x English Café


英語直覺表達練習(口說、聽力) 擬聘專業英語教師帶領
英語直覺表達練習(口說、聽力) 擬聘專業英語教師帶領
國際咖啡廳等級場地 輕鬆、溫馨的氛圍
國際咖啡廳等級場地 輕鬆、溫馨的氛圍

 ►English Corner 主題式英文教學

* 每場次限 25 人,報名成功者會再發信通知並於活動當天提供精美餐盒一份,報名截止時間為每場活動的前一天中午12點整
* 報名成功後無故缺席者,本中心將保留該生後續報名權限

2022/11/25(Fri.) 12:15-13:30 @創新大樓 R114 (原雲端咖啡場地)

Topic: 多益英語測驗(TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test)考試技巧

楊明德老師 Bruce Yang 




2022/12/23(Fri.) 12:15-13:30 @創新大樓 R114 (原雲端咖啡場地)

Topic: the FIFA World Cup





 ►English Café 固定英文口說聽力練習

English Café 可以練習說英語;不用害怕說英文,萬事總有個起頭,你的英語口說一定會更上層樓。


Eenglish Café 固定活動時間: (僅期中、期末考前一周不開張)

Mondays 12:45 - 13:45 @ 教育一館302教室 

Tuesdays 12:45 - 13:45 @ 田徑場 110教室 

Thursdays 12:45 - 13:45 @ 教育一館302教室 

Click here to Register! https://reurl.cc/V1YVQY

Hi everyone, the English Café for this semester is opened!!!

In this semester, Mr. Tony, our heart-warming and always-with-a-smile British Professor will still take charge on this activity. 

In English Café, Mr. Tony will be guiding you to speak English, easy come, easy go, no need of pressure, and the only thing you need is the willingness of speaking English!

No pressure, no charge, no preview, no review, only the willingness of leaning. Com'on, Rome wasn't built in a day, and Babylon started from sands, trust me, you'll be getting better and better! 

**NOTE: limited capacity, so only 20 people are available for each segment, and should it exceed, students from Education College will be prioritized.**

EMI Resource Center of College of Education, CCU Reserves the Rights of Adjusting the Regulations of English Café. 

English Café Opening Time: (**English Café will not be opening on the week before midterms and finals**)

Mondays 12:45 - 13:45 @ College of Education R302

Tuesdays 12:45 - 13:45 @ Treadmill R110

Thursdays 12:45 - 13:45 @ College of Education R302

 ►2021 English Corner 回顧

2021/12/17(Fri.) 12:20-13:30 

Bruce Yang


Topic: How English Help Me

How English Help Me01 How English Help Me02

2021/12/24(Fri.) 12:20-13:30

Dr. Yung-chiam Wu

吳永倩 助理教授


Topic: Reading Skills and Strategies for English Learners

Reading Skills and Strategies02 Reading Skills and Strategies02